INCPU - International News and Christian Prayer Update

INCPU - International News and Christian Prayer Update
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2008 Presidential Election Voter's Guide site

2008 Presidential Election Voter's Guide site

Scroll down for links

Scroll down for links to info mentioned in the INCPU Voter's Guide.


> A list of our favorite links (news and ministries) is on the left side below,


> The online version of the 'INCPU Voter's Guide' is below the download-able copies of the 'INCPU Voter's Guide'

Thanks for dropping by.
~ Friends of Israel, servant of Christ ~

2008 Constitution Party Candidate (Ron Paul endorsed)

2008 Constitution Party Candidate (Ron Paul endorsed)
Click on the picture to go to the Constitution Party website

Quotes from founding Fathers of the Constitutional Republic of the United States

" In a system of deceit, where evil controls the info, telling the truth becomes a crime."
.....................................................- Unknown

~ Thomas Jefferson
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

"In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."


~ James Madison
The executive [branch] has no right, in any case, to decide the question, whether there is or is not cause for declaring war."

"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home."

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."


~ John Adams
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."


~ Benjamin Franklin
"A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins."


~ Thomas Paine
"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression."

"When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon."

"That government is best which governs least."


"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." ~ John 16:33

"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power [the Holy Spirit's control]. And from such people turn away!... Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." ~ 2nd Timothy 3:1-5, 12-17

How to print online Voter's Guides (2 pics below)

Hello friends and fellow prayer partners.

Welcome. Thank you for your concern for our country, and for you interest in learning how to bless Israel and be a voice that wants to remind our fellow Americans how far we have drifted from God, and how we need serious prayer times and to learn, as a nation, to daily repent and walk in holiness.

Below, are the 2 sides of the voter's guide that likely led you to this site. (It is a 2-sided voter's guide.) They are black and white which makes them economical. We believe that many people in this country will appreciate knowing and hearing this information so they can make a careful decision. You are welcome to print as many as you want. : )

There are 2 ways to print it.

Option 1 - The simple method:
Click on one of the pics below, and when it opens, print it. Then take the sheet that just printed and put it back in the printer where the text will print the same direction, and then click on the second pic below and print it. When it's done printing the second side, you should have slightly smaller version of the voters guide. Which you can make copies of and pass out as many as you want.

Option 2 - Save and print from your computer:
Open one of the pics below, and when it opens, right-click on the pic, and choose 'save image as', and choose the name and location you want and then save it. Then, open the second pic, and repeat that process.

Once the images are saved on your computer, you can use a picture viewing program to print them. (Again, it's 2 sided.) Also, you can print these in 'fast draft' or 'economy' mode if you wish, and they still look decent and are readable enough to pass out. That is what we are doing.
> an idea for printing:
we are planning to print our voter's guides on a solid color paper if you want - it adds interest. We are planning to either use a tan~ish, solid color or like a tan-parchment paper.

Please, if you have any trouble printing them and/or would like us to email you a copy instead, you are welcome to email us - You can also email us for more links, references, and respectable news sites in addition to the ones listed below on this site, and on

Again, thank you for blessing Israel, praying for our country.

Friends of Israel, servants of Christ,
The Henry Family

International News and Christian Prayer Update

INCPU Voter's Guide pg 1

INCPU Voter's Guide pg 1
2 sided voter's guides - side 1 (2008)

INCPU Voter's Guide pg 2

INCPU Voter's Guide pg 2
2 sided voter's guides - side 2 (2008)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Online version of the INCPU Voter's Guides (with links, and slightly extended)

Online text version of INCPU Voter's Guide
Pg. 1

2008 Presidential Election Voter's Guide for Those Who Follow Christ


Pg. 2

Important things to consider about:

Barack Obama / Joe Biden
1) Members of the 'Council on Foreign Relations' - CFR is a big,
money social 'Elitist' club whose primary goal is a
One-World currency and One-World government

2) Both agree to continue nation-building in trade for Arab oil

3) Both have stated that they will continue to pressure Israel
into giving up land for 'peace'. The Bush team has gotten
most of the Israeli politicians to agree to give up 97% of Judea,
Samaria, part of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount.
Why? To establish another radical Muslim state.

4) They plan to work with the Elitists to crash the US dollar
and exchange it with the Amero, and to replace our
Constitutional republic with the money-driven North American
Union and godless International Law

5) Obama attended the annual 'Bohemian Grove' : human
sacrifice to Molech and the homosexual orgies

6) Several credible sources show Obama is anti-American, is a
“natural born” citizen of Kenya – not eligible to be US president,
and worse yet, he wants the US to become a Muslim state.
Obama also wants mandatory health care for all US citizens.

Pg. 3

John McCain / Sarah Palin
1) Member(s) of the 'Council on Foreign Relations' - CFR is a big,
money social 'Elitist' club whose primary goal is a
One-World currency and One-World government

2) They agree to continue nation-building in trade for Arab oil

3) Both have stated that they will continue to pressure Israel
into giving up land for 'peace'. The Bush team has gotten
most of the Israeli politicians to agree to give up 97% of Judea,
Samaria, part of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount.
Why? To establish another radical Muslim state.

4) They plan to work with the Elitists to crash the US dollar
and exchange it with the Amero, and to replace our
Constitutional republic with the money-driven North American
Union and godless International Law

5) McCain attended the annual 'Bohemian Grove' - human
sacrifices to Molech and the homosexual orgies

6) They want 100 years more war to build a One-World
government system using Arab oil revenues and fears.


Don't like your choices? We agree! We cannot vote for either criminal team! For info on a really good choice, please check out:

Pg. 4

Britain used to be a beacon for the gospel around the world, but they turned against Israel. Today, Britain's churches are dead, and Britain is over-run by radical Muslims and immoral types. The US is very close to taking the same losses – greedy 'Elitist'/politicians want to repeat history.


Do you know how those 3 World Trade towers came down so perfectly? Did you know that kerosene burns at 550 F and cannot melt steel which melts at 2700 F? Thermite/thermate burn: 4500 F


Do you know that 9 huge corporations own and/or control over
400 of the main news agencies in the US? They control the news.


Unless we, the people of this Constitutional republic, demand investigations, we will never know who wins the 2008 Presidential election either, because of the electronic voting machines.


No one should say that America can't fall. We must not forget the flood, the 40 years in the wilderness, that God left His Temple, and allowed it to be destroyed and scattered Israel, because of their rebellion and idolatry. But, the USA doesn't have to fall, like Britain or Germany, until after the rapture. God gave us a very unique US Constitution that we can hold on to, if we care enough to keep it.


~ Please join us in praying for our country and blessing Israel. ~


Who to Vote For? -
I Won't Vote for Obama or McCain, so what About Chuck Baldwin?'

Don Boys, Ph.D.
(a conservative voice on the news.
His sites include



This flyer was put together by the INCPU team. For more information, free download-able copies of this flyer or for links to the news articles referred to in this flyer, we encourage you to check out:

~ Friends of Israel, servants of Christ ~
International News and Christian Prayer Update


Additional info of interest:

John McCain
John McCain refuses to sign a pledge not to raise taxes

McCain's record on '100 more years'

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin's record on taxes -


Barack Obama
Barack Obama's big [corrupt] financial advisors

Joe Biden
Biden Blurts Out Hints of Plan, but Books by Tarpley Tell it All:
Obama to Bring US Economic Misery, War with Russia


A brief history of the fall of Great Britain and how the US is in the same situation:
Did you hear about the Balfour Declaration and the fall of Great Britain? The reason this is important is that our country and our leaders are on the verge of making the same mistake. Britain has taken very serious losses, so we definitely need to understand how and why they stopped being a great country, and a beacon of the light of the gospel. In 1917, James Balfour along with other leaders in the British government made a declaration to give a huge part of land, including what we now call Jordan, to the people of Israel. This promise was incredible! If he had carried through on this promise, Israel would have had most of the land God promised them by unconditional, everlasting covenant. However, Mr. Balfour didn't carry it through, as he promised. Instead, in 1922, Mr. Balfour and other government leaders, in an effort to please the radical Muslims, chose to curse the Israeli people and divide the land they had promised to give Israel, giving most of it to the Arabs. This then led to the the ungodly 1947 UN resolution, and the Arabs getting ready to attack and destroy the Jewish people in 1948. God allowed the Israeli people to preempt that attack and secure their land in the war that gained independence for the country that God was re-creating, called Israel. In the war of 1967, God helped the Israelis with amazing wisdom and success! God even let them gain control of Jerusalem from the Arabs, fulfilling a precise prophecy to the detail. There are also quite a number of respectable accounts (Arab and Israeli) that talk about angels on white horses fighting for Israel too! So, God takes His Word and promises very seriously. So, what has happened to Great Britain since they cursed Israel? The Balfour spiritual disaster left Britain spiritually dead and has allowed radical Muslims and perverts to overrun their country. The old churches the once resounded with the lively proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, now are nothing more than relics and historical monuments. The beautiful stained-glass windows of those churches are even being sold as mementos... Britain's loss has been huge. Their situation isn't hopeless, but God has basically walked out of Britain. But, what has our attention is that the same thing can happen to the United States. We need to learn a lesson from the Israeli people who thought God would continue to ignore their idolatry and that He wouldn't leave His Temple. God's glory departed for a time. We don't want God that to happen to America. And, if we learn to daily, humbly seek Him and bless Israel, we can trust that His Presence won't leave our country. We need to speak out against what quite a few US government leaders are doing, and put pressure on them to stop.


There are a lot of people asking a lot of questions about what happened to the World Trade Towers. Professional demolition Experts talk about planting explosives and using thermite and thermate, etc. And we know that Marvin Bush was directly in charge of overseeing the planting of explosives, etc. So, we understand the 'how' what happened to the WTC towers and how they came down so perfectly. So, the next questions is: Why?

To answer that question, we have to realized it was a highly calculated plan with several facets. Here are 4 that I have been able to figure out through lots of research, and I believe these four things together help our situation make more sense:

Why did Bush and team bring down the Twin Towers?

  1. Bush and his fellow Elitists needed a realistic fear of a 'nebulous' group called 'terrorists'. This creation of a new 'enemy' allowed the marching forward of the 'New World Order' and the opportunity to increase pressure on the Israeli political leadership toward further 'peace' agreements, until now, where most of the Israeli politicians agree to give up 97% of Judea, Samaria, and even part of Jerusalem, which includes the Temple Mount. In Bush's short 2 terms in office, he has been able to help the criminals in the Israeli government change Israel from a fragile democracy to a partial - martial law state. How? The 'war on terror' – in Israel and here.

    >Editor's clarification: Now, I would also like to mention that just because I strongly believe the 'war on terror' to be a lie (which I will explain further below), that doesn't mean I don't believe in radical Muslims. But, it is very easy to know that we aren't fighting radical Muslims, because the most radical of all the Muslims are the Wahhabis, but those are the people in Saudi Arabia. Bush and team certainly wouldn't go after the Saudis, because the Bush family and the Saudis have been business partners for decades. So, that little connection to the Saudis is what is allowing the radical Wahhabi sect of Islam to grow extremely rapidly in our country. And the Saudi connection is also why Bush is using 'Homeland Defense' and the 'Faith Based Initiative' system to build mosques in the United States, at the taxpayer's expense. (for more info on this, please check out:; and's just for starters... We encourage you to do your own research.)

  2. Bush and his fellow Elitists needed a 'reasonable' cause to invade Iraq to gain control of the oil. Bush senior had already cleared any potential WMD hazards in the previous US invasion. (

  3. Bush and his fellow Elitists needed a way to ally with some 'good' Muslim nations against some 'bad' Islamic nations. Among the 'good' Islamic nations: Saudi Arabia. Why? So they could keep being trading partners. (

  4. Also, the scare of a 'terrorist' threat allowed the military to become an organized machine for martial law, and has allowed military contractors to make bundles! And not small change either. The 'terrorist' threat has also allowed the military leaders to practice their torture, population control and mind-control techniques. But, in addition to these details, the 'war on terror' has also been a clever cloak to cover many other un-Constitutional actions: wire-tapping, spy cameras across the US, and (clearly illegal) executive orders. Bush, himself, haschanged over 1,100 laws as he signed them, in addition to his several hundred illegal executive orders. (for more info on this, please check out the following links:;; and again – those are just for starters. We hope you will use this info to do your own research.)

Also, did you know that WTC tower 7 had hundreds of documents of corporate fraud and corruption? Corporate fraud papers on companies like Enron. It is an interesting question if WTC7 also had information on the corporate fraud of US companies owned by Saudi Arabia, companies like: Ptech - the security company that was in control of 'security' in the last fews days, weeks before 9/11/01. (


Have you heard about the 800 detention camps build and/or gotten ready by Halliburton?


Articles on the 'War on Terror':

Chertoff Created Terror Pretexts For U.S. Police State

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